Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cell War Up-Date

Well... Ribosomes unfortunately did not win the SHS cell war of 2012. We came in 6th out of 14. We had a great run though! Looking back on our entire campaign I am so proud of what my partner and I were able to accomplish in the amount of time that we had. We were able to get our message out and into the world (Synthesis for a change!), and have a lot of fun making our campaign. This will not be the end of Ribosomes! We will still be working hard for your cells each and everyday!
Okay, back to buisness. In all serious this cell project was great! I learned so much about the organelle that was assigned to me, and all of the other organelles that make up the cell as well. I also experienced many new things throughout the project. What you may ask? Twitter... Honestly, before this project I had never even consided twitter as something that I might even remotly enjoy. However, with the help of a couple of kind classmates I was eaisly "tweeting" my way to the top. (Pause for laughter) Although I don't think I will ever use twitter again after this project (I'm too long winded), it was great to learn how. I also learned that I may or may not have a career in rapping one day... Okay, probably not. Yes, as part of our cell campagin, I made up a rap to help premote my organelle. Here is a little bit of it:

I made a rap
to help you understand
why you should vote for me
and not these others in the stands

I'm a Ribosome
I live with in the cell
I make all the proteins
In case you couldn't tell

My wonderful campagin partner gave me a beat as I rapped throughout the pod. And to top off the entire project, I was able to make an awsome Ribosomes shirt! Here is a picture of the Ribosomes shirts that Jacky and I made: (to visit Jacky's blog go to: 

I know all of you dedicated followers will be dissapointed in the loss of the Ribosomes, but don't worry, AP Biology is far from being over!
For Now
Yours Truly,
The AP Bio Student

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